Director and expert in inclusive education
Our Team
Board of directors

Viktor Križo
He works as a director at Inklucenter and as a psychologist and psychotherapist (PCA) at Counseling center Bratislava 3. He focuses on humanistic psychology (C. Rogers, M. Rosenberg, G. Landreth) and its implementation in the school environment. He guarantees innovative education and lectures courses in the field of school legislation. He is involved in educational activities, fieldwork, and comprehensive support for children at risk. In the Slovak Chamber of Teachers, he advocates for the topic of democratization in schools. At the Faculty of Education in Trnava, he coordinates student internships. He studied mathematics teaching, special education, theology, and psychology. He worked as a mathematics teacher for 12 years. In the Commission at the Ministry of the Interior for the Slovakia Program 2021 – 2027 for goal 4, he represents the Inklukoalícia.
School legislation is his passion; he participates in the modification of school law proposals and, within the framework of Inklucenter’s consultancy, answers legal questions. He puts his heart and passion into his work.

Zuzana Krnáčová
Art psychotherapist, therapeutic pedagogue, lecturer
She is dedicated to the education of school support teams, developing the concept of Artefiletics as an innovative approach in art education, and introducing reflection into teaching. She is an expert in trauma-informed approaches. Within VÚDPaP, she assisted in providing comprehensive support for children at risk in the school environment and in broadening the professional understanding of inclusive education and a multidisciplinary approach.
Both domestically and abroad, she has worked as a therapist and therapeutic educator in various facilities for children at risk. She studied art education, later earning an M.A. in art therapy in the United Kingdom and a doctoral degree in Bratislava.
Collaboration, networking with various organizations and individuals, and finding common themes to achieve the goal of helping children are her main domains.

Jana Randa
Project manager, lecturer
She completed her studies in the civil sector at Charles University in Prague, coach training at the Czech Technical University, and international trainer training. She has been involved in lecturing and facilitation for 10 years. From this field, she brings inspiration from facilitative education and leading reflections. Her core topics include advisory circles, working with diversity in the classroom, conscious work with prejudices, participatory processes in schools, and socio-emotional education. She has worked on projects for the Council of Europe, Erasmus+ both at home and abroad. At the Center, she serves as an advisor, expert, facilitator, and lecturer.
Organizational team
Anežka Palajová
Manager and project coordinator
At Inklucentre, she works as a project manager and coordinator. She implements systems to simplify routine processes and bureaucracy and seeks solutions for effectively communicating and sharing the topic of inclusion with the public. Within the organization, she is involved in marketing, social media, and web content management.
She worked for over 13 years in a software company as a front-end developer, and later as a freelancer, she created websites. She graduated in Library and Information Science from the Faculty of Arts at Comenius University.

Andrea Reguliová
Project manager
At Inklucentre, she is involved in project management (project manager for projects supporting foreigners)and consulting in the selection of education for schools. Within the organization, she worked for 2 years as education coordinator. Client orientation and attention to detail come naturally to her. She enjoys seeking new collaborations and is interested in innovations in children’s education.
Andrea studied social sciences and psychology in Britain and later worked in various human resources positions in Slovakia. She is communicative and enjoys working with people. In her professional career, she was looking for a new challenge where she could apply her previous experience and found it with us. She is interested in psychology and pedagogy.

Alexandra Zezulová
Office manager and HR specialist
At Inklucentre, she works as an office manager and HR coordinator. She worked for over 2 years as a coordinator for regional field workers in the project Support for Students from Ukraine in Bratislava. She is interested in fundraising and social media.
In her daily work, she focuses primarily on the satisfaction of others and working towards achieving socially significant goals