Social inclusion and storytelling
Webinár je ZDARMA vďaka spolufinancovaniu Európskej únie. Prebehne v angličtine.
In the frame of the Erasmus+ Small-Scale Partnership InkluNET – New Dimensions and Network on Inclusive Education – we will shortly introduce you the outcomes of the cooperation between Inklucentrum in Bratislava and inclution.org in Berlin.
In 2022 we have shared good practices, visited inclusive schools, produced handouts and explaine videos on inclusive educational approaches. We will provide you with an overview of our freely accessible materials available in English, German and Slovak languages on topics as violence free communication, artefiletics, morning circles in schools, cross-aged education, support teams in schools and more.
Your hosts: Zuzana Krnacova (Inklucentrum Bratislava) and Stana Schenck (inclution.org Berlin)
In the second part we invite you to a webinar on Social Inclusion through Storytelling. We will introduce you the web-based tool „MYS-Toolbox“ and give you hands on how to apply it in your daily work as a teacher.
MYS stands for ‚Me and Your Stories‘. It is an approach that encourages schools to open up to the personal stories of their learners and to empower young people to share their stories.
The MYS Toolbox is an online collection of storytelling exercises and multimedia tools to strengthen inclusive social spaces and to learn to understand diversity as an opportunity. The content of the MYS Toolbox has been developed on the foundations of Human Rights Education, Critical Thinking and Universal Design for Learning.
In the webinar we will guide you through the toolbox, put together small interactive exercises on topics Identity, Needs and Role Models.
We will apply simple tools and apps like AnswerGarden, padlet and slido.
Participation is free of charge. The webinar will be in English language.
The lecturer: Stana Schenck, inclution.org Berlin
With your registration you will receive the access data for the ZOOM meeting. A few days before the webinar we will send this data again via email.
The MYS toolbox was developed within the Erasmus+ project Me and Your Stories – MYS by atempo (AT), inclution gUG (DE), RIX Research and Media (UK), CKO (SK) and CCD- Teacher Training Centre (RO) and is disseminated within the small-scale cooperation with InkluNET.
MYS Toolbox is freely available in English, Slovak, German and Romanian languages:
Stanislava Schenck

Stanislava Schenck pochádza z Liptova. V Nemecku vyštudovala ekonómiu so zameraním na psychológiu a sociológiu. Angažuje sa v národných a európsky projektoch v oblasti inkluzívneho vzdelávania. Je spoluautorkov multimedialnej príručky MYS-Toolbox na podporu sociálnej inklúzie v školských komunitách. Je iniciátorkou a koordinátorkou celonemeckej divadelnej súťaže pre školy a inkluzívne divadlá „andersartig gedenken on stage“ (spomienka inak na javisku), ktorý na Slovensku predstaví v ramci kurzu Inklucentra 24. mája 2022.
Viac o Stanislave Schenck, ktorá žije a pôsobí v Berlíne, sa môžete dočítať v článku Dennika N „Aj ja mám nádherné dieťa“ alebo v podcaste v Ženskom Rode, ktorý je aj súčasťou rovnomennej knihy Kataríny Strýčkovej.
28. 11. 2022, 16:30 – 18:30
Celková cena vzdelávania, bez dotácie: 65 €
Aktuálna zľavnená cena: 0 €
Tento webinár vznikol vďaka spolupráci Inklucentra s nemeckou organizáciou Inclution – inclusive solutions v bilaterálnom projekte Erasmus+ InkluNET.

Na webinár sa prihláste prostredníctvom platformy Eventbrite.